Perfecting Page Layout

Often, a document’s cover is featured front and center when creative folks like me share work samples. But most of the time, the inside page spreads contain the real “meat” of the design. Taking assets from a client and giving them structure, order, readability and creative cohesiveness is also where all the hard work lies. […]

Celebrate Stats!

Sharing statistics with your audience and stakeholders, in communication materials such as annual reports, doesn’t need to be dry or boring. From picking an engaging color palette to showcasing your statistics in a new, fun or creative way, there are lots of ways to bring life to your numbers. The annual report I designed for […]

What a Circus

Inspiration for creative concepts can come from a variety of places. Take Sarasota, Florida, for example. When the last Ringling brother decided to move the winter quarters of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus from Bridgeport, Connecticut, to Sarasota, it helped the town prosper and grow (you can read more here at Ninety […]

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